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中标编号:091548 ZT-4A(X)铁电材料测试仪中标北方工业大学

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-03-29   浏览次数:595   版权与免责声明
核心提示:双YILIU:海纳百川 四川大学土木系采购I-RPT岩石声波参数测试仪四川大学(Sichuan University),简称“川大”,坐落于四川省会成

中标编号:091548 ZT-4AX)铁电材料测试仪中标北方工业大学

北方工业大学(North China University of Technology)位于中国首都北京,前身是创立于1946年的国立北平高级工业职业学校。由中央与北京市共建,以北京市管理为主,是北京市重点建设的多科性高校,也是教育部卓越工程师教育培养计划院校,是国家首批卓越工程师教育培养计划2.0”新工科研究与实践项目入选高校。



The winning bid number: 091548 zt-4a (X) ferroelectric material tester won the bid of north China university of technology

North China university of technology

North China University of Technology is located in Beijing, the capital of China. Jointly built by the central government and Beijing municipal government, it is a multi-disciplinary university mainly under the management of Beijing municipal government. It is also one of the "excellent engineer education and training program" universities of the ministry of education. It is one of the first batch of "excellent engineer education and training program 2.0" and "new engineering research and practice project" universities.

Through this purchase of zt-4a (X) ferroelectric material parameter measurement system, a new testing method and method has been added to the material testing level of ntu. This will play an important role in undergraduate teaching and material research. This ferroelectric tester basically contains relevant parameters required by ferroelectric materials. It is believed that the north China university of technology will continuously introduce sophisticated materials and equipment to improve the scientific research level of the university. To contribute to the level of scientific research in China.





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