ICE Asia 2010 展会将于3月17日至19日在上海世贸商城隆重登场。Converting行业的中外知名企业悉数亮相,高端专业观众将有机会与这些引领潮流的专业制造商齐聚一堂,洽谈业务、交流技术。
由于ICE 展会的专业性及其国际化程度,同期举办的“技术交流会”将代表Converting行业技术的发展趋势及风向标,演讲嘉宾全是来自欧洲顶级企业。主题演讲和日程安排如下,欢迎大家光临!(免费入场)
ICE Asia Conference Program 2010-3-18
ICE Asia 技术交流会日程表:
10.00 – 10.45
ER-WE-PA / Davis-Standard (Germany / USA)
New trends and technologies in the field of coating and laminating
11.00 – 11.45
BMB Bachofen + Meier AG (Switzerland)
Pros and cons of different coating technologies (e.g. gravure rolls and curtain coating)
BMB 公司(瑞士):不同涂布技术的优点和缺点(如凹印辊和帘式涂覆)
13.15 – 14.00Erhardt + Leimer GmbH (Germany)
New trends and technologies in the field of inspection systems and web guiding
14.15 – 15.00Polytype Converting Group (Switzerland)
Planning, development and manufacturing of coating, lacquering and laminating equipment
15.15 – 16.00IST Metz (Germany)
Innovative UV technology applications in the converting industry
IST Metz集团(德国):创新的紫外线技术在Converting行业中的应用