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posted by Linda Casey -- Packaging Digest, 5/31/2011 12:03:19 PM张贴由琳达凯西 - 包装月刊,nth="5" year="2011">2011531下午120319

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">In this era of sustainability, some food and beverage manufacturers are bucking the trend.在这个可持续发展的时代,一些食品和饮料制造商逆流而行。
nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">Their products are sold in multi-functional packages that are bulkier and have the potential to create more solid waste.其产品主要销往多功能封装的体积更大,并有可能创造更多的固体废物。 nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">The items are attracting special scrutiny in the health and wellness categories, which are often affiliated with green thinking.该项目吸引的健康和保健类,其中往往与绿色思维下属特别审查。

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">"I would love the perfect option for packaging, but that perfect sustainable plastic isn't out there yet," said Sheryl Kesey Thompson, marketing director and co-owner of Springfield Creamery, Beaverton, Ore., makers of Nancy's cultured dairy and soy products.我喜欢完美的选择,包装,但完美的可持续塑料没有在那里呢,汤普森说:Sheryl Kesey,营销总监和斯普林菲尔德克里默里,比弗顿,俄勒冈州,南希的培养乳制品和豆制品制造商共同拥有者产品。

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">Earlier this year, the company introduced cottage cheese with a separate, on-top container of whole fruit.今年早些时候,该公司推出了一个单独的,就顶了整个水果集装箱奶酪。
nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">While the top and bottom cups used to hold the components are completely recyclable, Thompson noted that the separate fruit cup serves another purpose.而顶部和底部的组件用来装杯可完全回收利用,汤普森指出,单独的水果杯还有另一个目的。

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">"When you put the fruit on top, and not in the product, you don't have to use stabilizers," Thompson said.当你把上面的水果,而不是在产品,你不必使用稳定剂,汤普森说。

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">Beverages are also showing off their more sophisticated side.饮料也显示了他们的更复杂的一面。
nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">Rising Beverage Co. has made a name for itself with Activate, a line of eight functional waters topped with a special cap.瑞星饮料有限公司取得了为自己与激活,由8个功能水域线路的名称配上一个特别的上限。 nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">When it's twisted, the cap triggers the release of a powdered mix that drops into the water to be shaken and consumed.当它的扭曲,帽触发粉状组合,将要动摇和消费水滴释放。 nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">"A fresh dose of vitamins hid in the lid," is how the company describes the procedure.一个隐藏在盖子剂量维生素的新鲜,是公司如何描述的程序。

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">"The packaging has to do something for the consumer, something that they're willing to pay for and to make some trade-offs," noted JoAnn Hines, an industry expert known as the Packaging Diva.这个包装做对消费者来说,一些他们愿意支付,并作出一些权衡的东西,指出:约安海因斯,业内专家称为女神的包装。

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">Though sustainability gets a lot of talk, Hines believes that more traditional concerns still top the list.虽然可持续发展得到了很多的谈话,海因斯认为,较传统的问题仍然居首位。

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">"If consumers want the convenience and accessibility that additional packaging provides, then they're going to buy the product," she said.如果消费者想获取的便利和提供额外的包装,那么他们将要购买的产品,她说。

nmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()">This article is written by Robert Vosburgh and distributed by Penton Business Media 这篇文章写的是罗伯特沃斯堡和商业媒体分发彭顿




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